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  • Writer's pictureNaff Aineya

Naff Foundation and Abasuba House: Abasuba Tribe and Cultures

Naff foundation is a non-profit organization; we empower women, youths, and children by fighting poverty and creating awareness. Let's take time to understand the Abasuba community.

The image shows a stylish African house, a Kenyan Abasuba tribe house. It was built using human-free labor, grass, mud, and tree poles, which are locally available. These materials are locally available within Mbita near mount Wireless and Gembe. The house is mostly warm, and while inside, you cannot get the sound of raindrops and thunderstorms. The roofing does not rust and cannot get worn out easily. However, these types of houses are few I'm the village. The people having them are considered low class and lowlife. The power company cannot connect electricity to the type of house due to the high chance of getting burned and completely destroyed. Rodents normally feed on the tree poles or materials used to build it; therefore, it needs regular reinforcement. That house has been maintained by one of our community members to preserve culture and allow tourists to understand the history of the Kenya Abasuba tribe in Mbita. You are free to visit; send your inquiries through

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